Fending off Red Sox fans with one hand, I ordered the Red Barchetta Ale with the other. Named after the song by Rush, the Red Barchetta promised smooth, malty taste with a hop finale. It delivered. Very mild caramel starts the taste, with enough tingle to say, "yes, I am an Ale", while a rather abrupt hop taste finishes. It's an ale of extremes, which certainly leads to an interesting pint. What it doesn't lead to, however, is prolonged enjoyment. I lost taste for this guy after just two pinits, despite thouroughly enjoying my first, and had to order something else to continue the night. Quality? Yes. Drinkability? Eh, not so much. That doesn't mean it didn't wrack up enough points to grab a 4 out of 5 though.
No website for the beer, since its a microbrewery that changes its selections daily, but if your interested in the joint: http://www.johnharvards.com/index.shtml
Drinkability is a shwag quality anyway...
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