With our day saved, we found this guy and had a taste at our Master Brewer's apartment. Leinenkugel's "Sunset Wheat", although a year-round brew, says "Hi, I'm Spring" then smashes you in the face with a bag of fruit. You've got to like wheat and citirus to like this one, but if you do then go snag a pack because your all set for tonight. Definatley a wheat-lover's beer, this guy is pale as a horseman and has a not-so-suble fruity aftertaste. It can be overwhelming at times if your not in to coriander, and definatly cannot be mixed with stouts. Overall, though, I liked it enough to give it a 4 out of 5.
Website suggests serving it with cheese. I suggest serving it with 65 degree weather and the month of March.
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